Food & Wine

Jason Feinberg

Jason Feinberg

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Today, Apple announced the much anticipated iPad 3 although its oddly called "The new iPad" and as Apple puts it...Its Resolutionary.  

The biggest change to the new iPad is its camera and resolution which really places the already superior tablet further ahead of anything currently on the market. 


Geological Activity on the Moon

New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter 
(LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust is being stretched, forming 
minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface. Scientists 
propose this geologic activity occurred less than 50 million years 
ago, which is considered recent compared to the moon's age of more 
than 4.5 billion years. 


Blasting Off to History

Witnessing the Launch of the Shuttle Atlantis.












T here it was – the email I had been waiting a month and a half for. I had decided to go ahead and book my trip with alternate arrangements because I wasn’t passing up this experience. It was the day before I was leaving and here it was: Dear Mr. Feinberg, your NASA Security Credentials for STS-132 have been approved. 

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